GridSecCon 2024

October 22, 2024 - October 25, 2024

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Image of power lines and energy illustrated in the background.
Source: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Hosted By: NERC / E-ISAC / Midwest Reliability Organization

Location: Minneapolis, MN

NERC, the E-ISAC, and the Midwest Reliability Organization (MRO) are co-hosting the 13th annual grid security conference, GridSecCon 2024, on October 22 – 25 in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Hyatt Regency. Join industry and government peers for three days of collaboration, networking, and expert training sessions. Hear from industry and government cyber and physical security leaders about the threat landscape, effective threat mitigation programs, best practices, and more.

GridSecCon 2024 will focus on:

  • Promoting reliability of the bulk power system through training and education.
  • Delivering discussions on critical infrastructure security threats, vulnerabilities, and lessons learned from senior industry and government leaders.
  • Informing industry about security best practices for reliability concerns, risk mitigation, and cyber and physical security threat awareness.

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