& Information Systems Digest

14 MARCH 2023

CSIAC collects and publishes articles related to our technical focus areas on the web to share with the DoD community.


Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces National Cybersecurity Strategy

The Biden-Harris Administration released the National Cybersecurity Strategy to secure the full benefits of a safe and secure digital ecosystem for all Americans. In this decisive decade, the United States will reimagine cyberspace as a tool to achieve our goals in a way that reflects our values:  economic security and prosperity; respect for human rights…


Featured Notable Technical Inquiry

Solutions for Labeling Independent Zeek Logs for Attacks and Exploits

Zeek, formerly known as Bro Network Security Monitor, is a powerful open-source intrusion detection system. There was a requirement to know whether an individual record should be marked as anomalous or not, assuming attacks are anomalies.  The inquirer was interested in finding possible solutions to automatically label network events/sessions based on time and IP addresses of known attacks using Zeek logs. CSIAC subject matter experts…

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CSIAC hosts live online technical presentations featuring a DoD research and engineering topic within our technical focus areas.



Understanding Distributed and Blockchain End-to-End Encryption Communication Services

Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and “web3” are all terms that you may have heard before or possibly dabbled in; but are you aware that there are dark nets and end-to-end encryption messaging services built on blockchains? Are you familiar with decentralized and distributed encrypted messaging platforms like Tox Chat and Matrix? It is important for U.S. Department…



2024 Cybersecurity and Technology Innovation Conference

The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Cybersecurity and Technology Innovation Conference will explore the developments and challenges in cybersecurity, technology innovation, workforce development, and critical infrastructure protection. Speakers and attendees will include leaders from across the…

Black Hat USA 2024

Now in its 27th year, Black Hat USA returns to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas with a six-day program. The event will open with four days of cybersecurity training (August 3-8), with…

Cyber Security Training at SANSFIRE Washington, DC 2024

This event is focused on highlighting what steps are necessary to defend an organization from external threats before a breach occurs in today’s workplace. To accomplish this, 40 virtual or in-person cybersecurity courses are offered…

Graph Exploitation Symposium 2024

The symposium brings together leading experts from universities, industry, and government to explore the state of the art and define a future roadmap in network science. The themes of this year’s symposium are domain-informed models…

Voice From the Community

CG Holland2 (3)
Clayton Graham Holland

Senior Principal Cybersecurity Advisor, ICF

Clayton Holland, MS, MBA, CISSP, leads ICF’s Cybersecurity Resilience and Information Security Services practice, where he provides practical guidance and insight to federal, state, local government and critical infrastructure and regulated industries on the development, application of, and compliance with cybersecurity doctrine, strategies, frameworks, policy, and directives. As an INFOSEC information assurance/warfare and cybersecurity professional since 1980, he has been a Chief Information Security Officer, Chief Privacy Officer, and Incident Response/Cyber Forensic Lab Director.

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