2024 Defense Logistics & Support Conference

October 29, 2024 - October 30, 2024

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Several military vehicles staged on a beach for an All-Service logistics exercise.
Source: U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Juan Magadan

Hosted By: Institute for Defense and Government Advancement

Location: Arlington, VA

With the expertise of thought leaders from the US Department of Defense, industry, academia and allied nations, this conference dives deeper into contested logistics, assessing current challenges and strategies. The discussions will encompass technology shaping the future of defense logistics and procurement to support the warfighter, including the use of data analytics for prediction & maintenance, unmanned delivery, and more.

Leaders will guide in analyzing the cyber risks associated with defense logistics, assessing weaknesses in the defense industrial base, and working towards a decreased reliance on foreign materials. This conference will explore the resilience challenges faced by the defense industrial base post COVID, along with the current efforts to stay ahead of near-peer nations.

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