& Information Systems Digest


CSIAC collects and publishes articles related to our technical focus areas on the web to share with the DoD community.


Mobile Application Single Sign-on for First Responders: Final Guide Published

On-demand access to public safety data is critical to ensuring that public safety and first responder (PSFR) personnel can deliver the proper care and support during an emergency. This necessitates heavy reliance on mobile platforms while in the field, which may be used to access sensitive information. However, complex authentication requirements can hinder the process…


Featured Notable Technical Inquiry

What is the effect of collaborative gaming on team building, cohesion, and culture?

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How are cybertools and cybertechnologies used in differentiating between automated reconnaissance and enumeration events as well as hands-on-keyboard events?

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Can use cases of intent-based networking (IBN) in U.S. Department of Defense tactical networks be provided?

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Can open standards applicable to zero trust implementation be provided?

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Extended Reality for Maintenance and Repair Training

Extended reality (XR) is an all-encompassing term that groups three similar technologies: (1) virtual reality (VR), (2) augmented reality (AR), and (3) mixed reality (MR). While XR is a field that has been in development in the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) since the late 1960s, it has continued to see major advancements in recent years. This transformative technology has already made an impact across…

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image of a brain with circuits integrated into the silhouette.

AI Reliability Risk Assessment

Reliability of a military system refers to its ability to complete a specific mission without failure. Failure modes in traditional acquisition systems often involve hardware, software, and human-systems integration. These failure modes are generally well-understood and can be mitigated early in design. As artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous products are incorporated in military systems, mission completion also depends on the system’s robustness and resiliency in…

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Serving the Digital Entrée

Last fall, the Army Acquisition Workforce (AAW) was introduced to the digital foundations pathway with Udemy—three online courses designed to digitally upskill workforce members in preparation for the digital transformation of the Army. (See “Serving the Digital Soup” in the Fall 2023 issue of Army AL&T.) The Army Director of Acquisition Career Management (DACM) Office spent the last few months improving that pathway. Those three online…

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NIST Launches ARIA, a New Program to Advance Sociotechnical Testing and Evaluation for AI

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is launching a new testing, evaluation, validation, and verification (TEVV) program intended to help improve understanding of artificial intelligence’s capabilities and impacts. Assessing Risks and Impacts of AI (ARIA) aims to help organizations and individuals determine whether a given AI technology will be valid, reliable, safe, secure, private, and fair once deployed. The program comes shortly after…

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DoD Releases Online Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems Body of Knowledge Version 4.1 for Engineering Workforce

The U.S. Department of Defense released Version 4.1 of the Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems (CRWS) Body of Knowledge (BoK) on May 29. This free online resource assists public- and private-sector workforces in designing, engineering, and safeguarding CRWS. The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense’s System Security (SysSec) Office launched this resource for the system security engineering and science and technology communities in May 2021…

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U.S. Department of the Air Force Launches NIPRGPT

ARLINGTON, Va. (AFNS) —  As part of its ongoing modernization efforts, the U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF) chief information officer, in partnership with the Air Force Research Laboratory, is accelerating initiatives to provide guardians, airmen, civilian employees, and contractors the ability to responsibly experiment with generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), with adequate safeguards in place. DAF senior leaders are focused on maximizing competitive advantage,…

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CSIAC hosts live online technical presentations featuring a DoD research and engineering topic within our technical focus areas.

Network Survivability Assessment Methodology

Hosted by: Philip Payne

September 22, 2021 12:00 pm


Network Survivability Assessment Methodology

This presentation describes a network survivability assessment methodology for Cyber-Electromagnetic Activities teams to identify cyber threats early in the acquisition cycle. The U.S. Department of Defense Acquisition Process begins with a Material Solution Analysis (MSA) and culminates with operations and support.  An Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) takes place after all potential solutions are examined to…



2024 Cybersecurity and Technology Innovation Conference

The Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Cybersecurity and Technology Innovation Conference will explore the developments and challenges in cybersecurity, technology innovation, workforce development, and critical infrastructure protection. Speakers and attendees will include leaders from across the…

Black Hat USA 2024

Now in its 27th year, Black Hat USA returns to the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas with a six-day program. The event will open with four days of cybersecurity training (August 3-8), with…

Cyber Security Training at SANSFIRE Washington, DC 2024

This event is focused on highlighting what steps are necessary to defend an organization from external threats before a breach occurs in today’s workplace. To accomplish this, 40 virtual or in-person cybersecurity courses are offered…

Graph Exploitation Symposium 2024

The symposium brings together leading experts from universities, industry, and government to explore the state of the art and define a future roadmap in network science. The themes of this year’s symposium are domain-informed models…

Voice From the Community

Jess Irwin

Technical Staff, Multimission Cyber Security, Raytheon Intelligence & Space

As a technical staff member subject matter expert, Jess provides nearly 50 years of expertise in systems, software, and whole life engineering. As a systems architect, he has supported several of the largest weapons systems platforms, including the F-35 and B-2. His back-ground in mathematics and physics provides insight into subtle issues related to communications and sensor technologies. He has developed operat-ing systems, compilers, and large-scale systems emulations and is an experi-enced 3-D game developer. He has a foundational patent in distributed trust architecture and collaborated on Trusted Computing Architecture and Intellectual Property Protection techniques. He is an expert in the tools, techniques, and practices of model-based systems engineering using SysML.

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