Systems Security Engineering (SSE) Cyber Guidebook (SSECG)

Presented: May 9, 2023 12:00 pm
Presented by: Katie Whatmore

The U.S. Department of the Air Force (DAF) Systems Security Engineering (SSE) Cyber Guidebook (SSECG) is intended to assist program offices in performing cybersecurity, cyber resiliency, and cyber survivability analyses required to protect our National Security Systems (NSS) and integrated Adaptive Acquisition Framework (AAF) life cycles or other acquisition disciplines processes. This webinar will provide an introduction into the SSECG’s workflow and distillation of hundreds of academic, commercial, and industrial best practices and cyber engineering standards, along with the constantly evolving U.S. Department of Defense and congressional authoritative directives and regulations, in keeping pace with the latest technologies and threats to our mission-critical information and control systems.

The webinar training will cover the following topics:

  • DAF SSECG workflow
  • Cybersecurity and cyber resiliency as distinct engineering concepts and processes
  • The SSECG focus on mission capability-driven analyses and risk assessments
  • Incorporating tailorable SSE requirements into contracts
  • Utilizing cyber survivability attributes requirements and their decomposition


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