We believe that the approaches proposed in this text provide a valuable starting framework and a set of general guidelines for more effective design and deployment of computer-supported training solutions not only in USMC but also in other services and DoD in general. Some approaches that we discussed in this text support long-term processes that extend well beyond the cessation of initial project activities. The long-term benefits of efforts directed towards promoting system self-sustainability, interoperability and on-going improvements, are even more important in situation where funding for research activities and development of training solutions is increasingly limited. We hope is that our suggestions can serve as a catalyst in a discussion organized by all parties who have vested interests in the domain of military training.
The authors would like to acknowledge our project sponsors and many USMC units who volunteered their time to participate in our user studies. The opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsors, the USMC or the Department of Defense.
The Defense Office of Prepublication and Security Review (DOPSR) has reviewed/cleared this document for public release (Case No. 16-S-1860).
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