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Evaluating Open Source Software

There is an overwhelming amount of open source software (OSS) available today that can be used throughout the software development…

Software is a Renewable Military Resource

“The United States cannot retreat behind a Maginot Line of firewalls or it will risk being overrun.  Cyberwarfare is like…

Open Source Software Is Commercial

Nearly all publicly-available open source software (OSS) is commercial software.  Unfortunately, many government officials and contractors fail to understand this. …

Publicly Releasing Open Source Software Developed for the U.S. Government

This article summarizes when the U.S. federal government or its contractors may publicly release, as open source software (OSS), software…

Application Specific Abstractions: A Research

The success of modern computing can be largely attributed to abstractions. By abstracting away the intricate details of how lower…

Physics of Information Assurance

Information Assurance (IA) is the application of this directive in the cyber domain. IA activities include measures that protect and…

Networking Modeling and Simulation: Bridging the Gap from Theory to Field Tests

The use of live field testing for new data links, protocols, waveforms, radios, and algorithms is the traditional best-practice. With…

Cyber Deception

The Department of Defense currently depends upon static cyber defense systems. Adversaries can plan their attacks carefully over time by…

Cross-domain Transfer: Information Support Server Environment (ISSE)

A. Cross-domain Transfer The proper treatment of classified data has always been important throughout this nation’s history. Classification of data…

The Junior Force Council: Reaching Out to New Employees

Introduction and Council Mission At the Information Directorate, we have a unique group of individuals that serves to ensure that…

Bridging Fault Tolerance and Game Theory for Assuring Cyberspace

Two Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)-funded in-house efforts have shaped the way that AFRL/RI has bridged fault tolerance…

A Science of Network Configuration

Configuration is the glue for logically integrating network components to satisfy end-to-end requirements on security and functionality. Every component has…