
CSIAC hosts live online technical presentations featuring a DoD research and engineering topic within our technical focus areas.

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Upcoming Webinars

Improving Security, Privacy, and Authentication With a Quantum-Enhanced TCP/IP Protocol

Secure communications need to exchange encryption keys over encrypted channels often implemented with asymmetric algorithms. Because both the session key transmission and digital signatures use algorithms like RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman), they are vulnerable to future quantum…

The Digital Ecosystem and Project Linchpin

This webinar will provide a Project Linchpin Overview – How we got here, who we are, what’s missing, and what we are doing.  The goal of Project Linchpin is to deliver trusted AI/ML (artificial intelligence/machine…

Staying Ahead of the Curve: Planning for the Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography

This webinar will explore cryptographic discovery (inventory) and interoperability and performance of the Post-Quantum Cryptographic (PQC) algorithms being standardized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as framed by the following two publications…

Validating the Integrity of Computing Devices

Today’s technologies rely on complex, globally distributed, and interconnected supply chain ecosystems to provide highly refined, cost-effective, and reusable solutions. These supply chains of information and communications technologies are increasingly at risk of compromise. To…

Past Webinars

Network Survivability Assessment Methodology

This presentation describes a network survivability assessment methodology for Cyber-Electromagnetic Activities teams to identify cyber threats early in the acquisition cycle. The U.S. Department of…

Cyber Resilient Weapon Systems Body of Knowledge (CRWS-BoK)

The Resilient Systems (RS) Directorate in the Strategic Technology Protection and Exploitation Office, under the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and…

What is Digital Twin Technology All About, Anyway?

A Digital Twin (DT) is a real-time, virtual representation (a digital equivalent) of real-world objects such as devices, systems, places, business processes, and people. The…

Entity Resolution for the Cyber Domain

The foundational level of situation awareness lies in perception of the surrounding environment. In cyberspace, this relates to an ability to enumerate and identify elements…

DevSecOps Pipeline for Complex Software-Intensive Systems: Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges

A major challenge for cybersecurity comes from new technology approaches that focus primarily on the benefits of implementation rather than on defining the governance and…

TAIDOOR, a New Chinese Malware

For decades, adversaries of the United States have attempted to hack into DoD network systems. The main adversaries are constantly trying to steal sensitive military…